
Dataset of tropical cyclone-affected areas

The COMPASS project recently released a report on “Dataset of tropical cyclone-affected areas”.

The overarching goal of the COMPASS project is to develop a harmonised methodological framework for climate and impact attribution of various complex extremes that includes compound, sequences and cascading hazard events. This report is a description of deliverable D1.4, a dataset of tropical cyclone-affected areas. It contributes to the COMPASS project’s objective of modeling and downscaling of compound extremes in current and future climates and to the Work Package 1 objective resolving the different compound drivers in areas affected by tropical cyclones.

The dataset contains the key impact drivers of tropical cyclones (TCs) from 1950 to 2023 to estimate the affected areas from winds, rainfall, and storm surges. The work lies the basis for the development of the corresponding counterfactual TC footprints (D2.6 from Work Package 2). It will also be used in Work Package 4 for the Use Cases (UCs) focusing on tropical cyclones (UC3 and UC4). More generally, we foresee this dataset to be of use for TC attribution studies.

The dataset (currently v1.0) is available on the COMPASS research repository Zenodo at the following DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.14547984

More information can be found in the following COMPASS project Deliverable:
Mengel, M. (2024): Dataset of tropical cyclone-affected areas. Horizon Europe project COMPASS. Deliverable D1.4.



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