The COMPASS interdisciplinary consortium, led by Deltares, consists of 6 partners with extensive experience on hazard and impact modeling, and climate attribution, and a strong record on international large scale projects.
The COMPASS interdisciplinary consortium, led by Deltares, consists of 6 partners with extensive experience on hazard and impact modeling, and climate attribution, and a strong record on international large scale projects.
Deltares is a not-for-profit independent knowledge institute specializing in water and subsurface research. We collaborate with governments, companies, and organizations to find innovative solutions. Our mission revolves around safeguarding deltas, coastal regions, and river basins, addressing critical challenges related to safety, sustainability, and habitability. Deltares provides in-depth knowledge accessible to decision-makers and supporting informed choices. We view water, the subsurface, and infrastructure as an interconnected system, analyzing land use from a systemic perspective. By combining our expertise with cutting-edge tools, including specialized software and data products, we strive to create a positive impact on society.
Contact: Sanne Muis (sanne.muis@deltares.nl) – Project Coordinator, Anaïs Couasnon (anais.couasnon@deltares.nl)
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) is a non-profit organization founded in 1992. PIK is a member of the Leibniz Association of research institutes. It combines the latest understanding of the Earth system with the assessment of climate risks, the exploration of policies, and pathways towards a manageable climate future. A guiding framework for PIK’s research is therefore the integration of Planetary Boundaries and Global Commons. The institute in a unique way combines research across disciplines and scales with solution orientation, emphasizing that societal relevance is based on scientific excellence. With its roughly 400 staff from all over the world, PIK contributes knowledge to the global scientific community by way of publications in high-ranking peer-reviewed international journals and engagement in numerous partnerships and networks. Its main methods are integrated and complex systems analysis and data integration; numerical simulations are run on our own super computer. The institute also actively provides insights to decision-makers in policy, business, and society as a whole.
Contact persons:Paprotny (dominik.paprotny@pik-potsdam.de), Matthias Mengel (matthias.mengel@pik-potsdam.de)
The mission of the Climate Centre, which is hosted by the Netherlands Red Cross in The Hague, is to support the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement and its partners in reducing the impacts of climate change and extreme-weather events on vulnerable people, working at the intersection of science, policy, and practice. A core objective is to make the best global scientific insights operable at local level. Key elements include support for awareness-raising and capacity-building, especially in developing countries whose people are the most vulnerable to climate change. The Climate Centre focuses primarily on providing guidance and tools to National Societies and their partners, and fostering the exchange of experience, training and technical back-up for Red Cross Red Crescent volunteers, delegates and managers specializing in the management of disaster risk and health. In the international arena they facilitate access to climate-related funding and advocate for support to the most vulnerable people in debates on climate policy, especially the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and the annual UN climate talks, but also related international discussions on development and humanitarian policy and finance.
Contact: Martha Vogel (Vogel@climatecentre.org), Christopher Jack (jack@climatecentre.org)
The Institute of Marine and Environmental Sciences of the University of Szczecin (IMES US) is one of the largest multidisciplinary coastal science hubs in Poland. It’s been at the forefront of coastal knowledge for more than 30 years as it started its operation on October 1st, 1990 in the University of Szczecin. IMES US conducts frontier research and fosters both knowledge and technology transfer on interdisciplinary topics, starting form physical oceanography and coastal processes through natural and anthropogenic coastal hazards, and up to paleoceanography and marine biology. Research focuses primarily on the European coastal areas, particularly the Baltic Sea, but other regions including polar zones are also investigated. Through in-depth knowledge, determined and collaborative action, and coordinated management, IMES US is firmly committed to work with and for the society towards a sustainable and harmonic use of all types of coastal zones. Within the last ten years IMES US participated in numerous, both national and international, research projects related to remote sensing techniques and their application for environmental and social aspects of the coastal zone, morphological impact of marine storm events in support of civil protection mitigation strategies, as well as software development and database management.
Contact persons: Paweł Terefenko (pawel.terefenko@usz.edu.pl), Andrzej Giza (andrzej.giza@usz.edu.pl)
SEVEN is a Greek SME providing engineering consulting services. Its fields of intervention are in the areas of Water Resources, Environment, Energy, Geology and Urban Planning. Our strategic objective is to provide integrated and workable solutions, combining both advanced consulting and engineering research expertise. We introduce smart thinking, design practical approaches, and bring together interdisciplinary expertise to tackle critical environmental issues and bridge the gap between science and policy. We are further committed to contribute to the development of a marketplace of ideas for SMEs in the wider water sector, supporting business innovation. The current staff and associates of SEVEN have wide experience in hydrological and water resources modeling, hydro-informatics, water management and river basin planning, software development and database management, environmental impact assessment, cost-benefit assessment, dissemination and exploitation. In its 14 years of operation SEVEN has successfully participated in various project: STARS4Water (HORIZON), TRANSCEND (HORIZON), EO4SD (ESA), Gender in WRM (GWP), IWRM Al-Ostuan (ACTED, MEW), ANELIXIS (Interreg), B2E4SustWWTP (LIFE), MARINA (H2020), RESPONSEABLE (H2020), SWIM 2020 SM (DG NEAR), EU Water Legislation, WFD, FD (DG ENV), EartH2Observe (FP7), SPADIS (EIP on Water), GR RBMPs and DMPs (Hellenic Ministry of the Environment), ABOT (DG ENV).
Contact: Maggie Kossida (mkossida@seven-solutions.eu)
MetOffice is the national meteorological service for the UK, providing critical weather services and world-leading climate science, operational forecasts, data, research and consultancy services. It is responsible for public weather services and at the heart of the UK’s weather, running a vast observations network and supercomputing technology that is essential to the creation of accurate weather forecasts. Nationally, Met Office helps government, businesses, emergency responders and the public to make informed decisions, while tailoring forecasts and weather warnings to the needs of individuals and organisations to ensure they have maximum impact. And in collaboration with international organisations, they are advancing global understanding of our changing climate through ground-breaking research that underpins critical services vital for UK resilience – supporting communities, industry and government to better prepare for future climate risk.
Contact: Dan Bernir (dan.bernie@metoffice.gov.uk), Rachel Perks (rachel.perks@metoffice.gov.uk)
COMPASS aims to develop a harmonised, yet flexible, methodological framework for climate and impact attribution of various complex extremes that includes compound, sequences and cascading hazard events
The COMPASS project has received funding from the European Union’s HORIZON Research and Innovation Actions Programme under Grant Agreement No. 101135481
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or of the European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.