United Kingdom – the 2013 extreme storms and the 2022 heatwave

Facts and Figures: In the 2013-2014 the UK saw 13 major storms from December to mid-February, with the strength of the jet stream 30% above normal levels. This compound event resulted in severe coastal, river and groundwater flooding with more than 6,000 properties flooded. Strong winds that left 100,000 properties without power, also acted in combination with tidal surges and high tides to produce huge coastal waves. In 2022, the UK saw a different type of compound event with heatwaves in the summer leading to wildfires, drought, and high temperatures. The national temperature record was exceeded by 1.6°C, with a fourfold increase in wildfires compared to the year before, and the driest July on record since 1911 in England.

The COMPASS approach: Attribution of the compound flooding event will be done using a new high-resolution flood modeling attribution methods developed within COMPASS, with a focus on weather types/large-scale drivers.

Cyclone Dirk, United Kingdom

Date: 23/12/2013

Credit: NASA Worldview , MODIS imagery


York floods, United Kingdom

Credit: Met Office
