Messara river basin hub

At a glance

  • 650 mm

    annual  rainfall

  • 45,000


  • 29,108

    cultivated hectares

  • 1,400

    groundwater wells

  • 63 million m3 / year

    groundwater abstraction

Water users:

  • Natural water resources’ availability, both groundwater and surface water, is decreasing
  • Groundwater resources are mostly threatened by over-abstraction, with some groundwater bodies being already in poor chemical and quantitative state and with up to 45 m drop-down in the groundwater  levels
  • Changing precipitation and evapotranspiration patterns drive changes in the springs’ outflows , environmental flows, and in the crop water needs, leading to increased water demands which cannot be met by the current water supply and infrastructure
  • Drought and water scarcity risk are increasing, and thus water users’ conflicts may be exacerbated, posing the need for robust water allocation schemes
  • Seawater intrusion at the southern end, soil degradation and salinization

Main challenges exacerbated by climate change: